Shelley, my sister-in-law, decided that she wanted to come up and surprise me for a visit. Chris told her to come on up so she invited my other sister-in-law Brooke and my mom. Bill was obviously in on it but I was clueless. On Thursday Bill told me he was going out of town for work and would be home late. Well, 7:30 rolls around and I get a phone call from Shelley so I'm talking to her explaining that I'm waiting for Bill to get home (she's in my garage) and the next thing I know Billy comes walking in with Braelyn, her little girl. I let out this scream, hang up on Shelley because I know she is here at this point. I was thinking that her and Chris came so I run to the garage and I see Shelley, my mom and Brooke. I was so happy I was crying! It was so much fun to see them, especially Braelyn. We left AZ right when she was born and only saw her a couple of times. She's so cute and so much fun. She loved being right down on the floor and playing cars with the boys. I'm also so happy my mom got to come. I'm not sure how she got away without my dad but she did and we loved every minute of it.