Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Silver Falls

Here is Crewser and mimi taking a break on the trail.
Crew wanted to go under this fence but really couldn't quite figure it out.
The funny story behind this picture is that this is the "short cut" back up the trail. Madisen wanted to go on it so Billy took her and Koye, Chad went with them thankfully because it was literally straight up the side of the mountain. We, of course, beat them and were waiting for them and had to help pull Koye and Madisen up.

1 comment:

Ron and Debbie said...

One of the more memorable events of the day...Madi wanting to take the "short cut" straight up the hill. At first I didn't want Chad to go with them, but thankfully he did, because he ended up having to help Madi while Bill helped Koye. The "short cut" wasn't so short afterall. In fact, it could have been rather dangerous if the boys weren't so strong. Remember guys, sticking to the "straight and narrow" path is always the better choice!