Saturday, April 12, 2008

Happy Birthday Mad Dog

Yes, I realize that this blog is out of order timeline wise, I know, I'm retarted. Give me a break I'm still trying to figure out this whole blogging thing and how it works. ANYWAY Madisen's aunt Brooke made this cake for her birthday. She LOVED it, especially the crown. She loves her auntie Brookie and we are so glad that she is talented in this kind of thing because her mom isn't. Her uncle Brent and Brooke came down to help her celebrate her 5th birthday. We went to Chuck E Cheese and had so much fun! Thanks you two for coming down and spending some time with us, the kids loved it! And a big thanks to Brooke.....have you considered going into the cake making business??? :)

1 comment:

Misty said...

What a beautiful cake. I am glad to see you are getting settled in. I am so jealous that you are near the beach, even if it is cold. We miss you. Glad you started the blog. Love ya!