Robin and Tracy took us to Deception Pass which is a group of islands in the northern Puget Sound. The ocean was as calm as a lake. The kids had a lot of fun hiking and throwing rocks in the water.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Deception Pass - Puget Sound
This was Fort Ebey. It is a bunker that was built during WW II in case of Japanese invasion. It reminds you of the movie Saving Private Ryan when they invade the beach on D Day. Crew is running trying to catch up to everyone who are standing at the edge of the cliff overlooking the ocean. You had to keep the kids on the trail because the drop off was about 100 feet down.
Thanksgiving In Seattle
We spent Thanksgiving in Seattle with our friends the Hartley's. They are such good friends and always show us a great time when we go there. This is Madi and their daughter Isabelle having some hot chocolate.
Naked Boy And Shoes
I just had to take this picture! Crew loves to put shoes on all the time. In this pictures he has on Koye's but he loves to clomp around in mine and his dad's shoes also. I got him ready to put in the bath so he ran off and found some shoes real quick.
Monday, November 17, 2008
While Mom Is Away.....
I was gone for a couple of hours today so I left dad in charge. It was kind of quiet so he went looking for Crew and this is where he found him, taking a nap on the sink. Probably not the most comfortable place to sleep but I guess he was tired enough.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Happy Halloween
Here are some pictures of the kids in their Halloween costumes.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Best Surprise Ever!
Shelley, my sister-in-law, decided that she wanted to come up and surprise me for a visit. Chris told her to come on up so she invited my other sister-in-law Brooke and my mom. Bill was obviously in on it but I was clueless. On Thursday Bill told me he was going out of town for work and would be home late. Well, 7:30 rolls around and I get a phone call from Shelley so I'm talking to her explaining that I'm waiting for Bill to get home (she's in my garage) and the next thing I know Billy comes walking in with Braelyn, her little girl. I let out this scream, hang up on Shelley because I know she is here at this point. I was thinking that her and Chris came so I run to the garage and I see Shelley, my mom and Brooke. I was so happy I was crying! It was so much fun to see them, especially Braelyn. We left AZ right when she was born and only saw her a couple of times. She's so cute and so much fun. She loved being right down on the floor and playing cars with the boys. I'm also so happy my mom got to come. I'm not sure how she got away without my dad but she did and we loved every minute of it.

Beautiful Day At The Park
A Visit To The Roloff Farms
Not sure how many people watch Little People Big World on the TLC channel but they live here in Oregon. We decided we would go and visit their pumpkin patch one day. Amy Roloff was standing outside meeting and taking pictures with people so we waited in line to get ours taken. Koye was a little unsure of her, as you can see in this picture. He just would look at her. She was such a nice lady to take the time to stand out there and greet all the people visiting their farm. Anyway, it felt like meeting a celebrity.