Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Koye!!

He was holding Chuck E Cheese's hand and walking around. I bet you would have never done this Chris Goodman! ha ha

Koye picked out his Birthday cake, Spiderman of course.


Colton and Ashley said...

Man...you were right about the whole weather thing. Pretty much the same...snowy in MAY! But, I don't have allergies like I do in AZ! So that party is wonderful! Btw, did Chris really do that? HA HA! That's so cute! And, I can't get over how Cute Koye is! All your kids are beautiful....but he is just one of those kids that you want to squeeze and kiss! So DARN CUTE! I think i'm falling in love with his eyes! :)

Marisa said...

Looks like fun!! You guys have been busy!! I wish it would snow here :) It is in the 90's!

Brent and Brooke said...

Happy Birthday Koye! How cute, I saw those hulk hands at target the other day and thought that would be something Koye would like. How funny that he was holding Chucky cheeses hand! Hopefully that chuk e cheese was not as ghetto fabulous as the tucson one was!

Ron and Debbie said...

Looks like you had a good birthday koy boy

The Mullenaux Family said...

Your children can't get any more beautiful. I can't believe how big they have all gotten. We miss you guys. How do you like Oregon?
love ya

The Mullenaux Family said...

Awesome! Love Chuckee. Sweet cake!